SET Payload
Introduction | Payload Experiments | Presentation | Paper
The SET-1 payload will be flown on the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) spacecraft. The mission is baselined for a 6000 x 12,000 km, 42 degree inclination orbit with 1 year of operations. This Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) mission will be launched on the SpaceX Falcon Heavy Rocket in June 25, 2019. Descriptions of the SET-1 payload experiments follow. For further information about DSX see the presentation and paper below.
Payload Experiments for SET-1
Cosmic Radiation Environment Dosimetry and Charging Experiment (CREDANCE)
PI: Dr. Clive Dyer, QinetiQ/United Kingdom
- Characterize the energetic space radiation environment and its interactions with spacecraft
- Provide data to other SET-1 experiments
- Provide data to improve radiation environment models and design tools
- Demonstrate the value of a compact space weather monitor in operational spacecraft
- Proton flux > 40 MeV per unit solid angle
- Charge deposition in large silicon diodes arranged in telescopes. Pulse height analysis is used to obtain ion linear energy transfer (LET) spectra of heavy ions in the 100 MeV-cm2/g to 25000 MeV-cm2/g range
- Threshold voltage shift in MOS dosimeters to measure total ionizing dose at 2 different shielding depths
- Charging current at 3 different shielding depths to provide energetic electron flux measurements at 3 energies
Dosimetry Intercomparison and Miniaturization Experiment (DIME)

PI: Dr. Peter McNulty, Clemson University
- Use five different COTS microdosimeters to characterize radiation induced total ionizing dose, displacement damage, and single event effects
- Provide data to permit appropriate dosimetry selection in future missions to characterize/resolve operational anomalies
- Validate particle transport codes by varying shielding thicknesses on RADFETs
DIME Measurements:
- Threshold voltage shift of RADFETs as a function of time to obtain total ionizing dose
- Threshold voltage shift of erasable programmable read-only memories (EPROMs) as a function of time to obtain TID
- The number of single event upsets in EPROMs to determine the upset rates as a function of the radiation level;
- The pulse height spectra of two LET spectrometers as a function of time, one to determine the LET and hence energy spectrum of protons and the other to determine the LET of heavier ions
- The visible emission spectrum of optically-stimulated luminescent films to determine very low doses.
Development of Space-Based Test Platform for the Characterization of Proton Effects and Enhanced Low Dose Rate Sensitivity (ELDRS) in Bipolar Junction Transistors
PI: Dr. Hugh Barnaby, Arizona State University
- Measure ELDRS (primary) and proton effects (secondary) in positive-negative-positive (PNP) bipolar junction transistors (BJTs)
- Improve understanding of the physics of ELDRS and thereby improve/validate ground test protocol for linear bipolar technologies and reduce design margins
- Base and collector currents for 24 COTS BJTs having different processing characteristics as a function of the emitter and gate voltages and time
COTS-2: Digital Technologies
PI: Robert Ecoffet, CNES/France
- Validate approaches to mitigate single event effects by comparing simulation techniques, performance models, and on-orbit data
- Validate mitigation of single event effects during space weather events
- Increase reliability of COTS technologies for space applications and reduce design margins
- Measure single event effects on COTS FPGAs, classify the event by event type, and determine if mitigation of the effect occurred without watchdog intervention
DSX Mission/SET-1 Presentation
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The Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX): A Fundamental Science Research Mission Advancing Technologies that enable MEO Spaceflight
Jon Schoenberg, US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL),
Gregory Ginet, US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL),
Bronislaw Dichter, US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL),
Michael Xapsos, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC),
Aaron Adler, Jackson & Tull, Inc.,
Mark Scherbarth, US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL),
Durand Smith, Sequoia Technologies, Inc.,
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