The Space Environment Testbeds (SET) Project performs flight and data investigations to address the Living With a Star (LWS) Program goal of understanding how the Sun/Earth interactions affect humanity. It is the part of the LWS program of Science Missions and Targeted Research and Technology (TR&T) ground-based investigations that respond to the following questions:
SET uses existing data and new data from the low-cost SET mission to achieve the following:
Living With a Star’s (LWS) program is a part of the Heliophysics Division…more
> The SET payload, consisting of 4 board experiments and a space weather monitor, is currently undergoing spacecraft level environmental tests at Kirtland Air Force Base, NM.
> Depiction of the SET payload on the AFRL Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) spacecraft
Launched: June 25, 2019
End of Mission: May 31, 2021